Amplus is committed to upholding the greatest level of integrity, transparency, and accountability in how it runs its operations and company. It strives to run the business in an ethical, responsible, and transparent way. Any Amplus employee or member of the public can report any improper behaviour within Amplus through the channels provided by Amplus.
Any parties may file a whistleblower complaint regarding any wrongdoings they may witness or encounter by undertaking any of the following:
The preceding list is not all-inclusive and contains any actions or inactions that, if proven, would violate the PETRONAS/ Amplus Code of Conduct and Business Ethics (CoBE) or be considered crimes under applicable laws now in place.
To the extent that it is practically possible, an anonymous whistleblower who submits a disclosure through Amplus Whistleblowing procedures shall have their identity protected. Additionally, an employee who reports improper conduct that has been perpetrated or is going to be committed inside Amplus will be protected from any negative and unfavourable actions for doing so, to the extent that is practically possible, provided that the disclosure is made in good faith.
Such protection is given even if it turns out that the whistleblower was wrong about the facts and the relevant rules and procedures after further examination. For more info, kindly refer to Amplus Whistleblowing Policy
Report any illegal activity (misconduct or criminal offence) you know of that has been conducted or is about to be committed within the Amplus by giving us the required details. You can either send us an email using the link below or send it via mailbox to the address shared below.
To email, send email to
Send your physical disclosure to:
6th Floor, The Palm Square,
Golf Course Extn. Road, Sector- 66,
Gurugram, Haryana, India – 122102
Information Required to submit a disclosure:
*All disclosures will be treated in the strictest confidence
We will pursue all types of complaints which includes:
The above list is not exhaustive and include any act or omissions, which if proven, will constitute an act of omissions, misconduct under AMPLUS' Code of Conduct and Business Ethics (CoBE) or any criminal offence under relevant legislations in force.
A whistle-blower will be protected under AMPLUS Whistleblowing Policy as per following: